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Writing Contests - Part 2 - How I Got My Agent

If you're an aspiring writer, I highly recommend entering writing contests. It's how I found my agent for my second manuscript, LOVE AND OTHER PUNCHLINES. First, in February of 2016, I tentatively tweeted out my pitch on Twitter during #PitMad...just for fun, ya know, just to see. (DO NOT DO THIS. If your manuscript is not 100% ready, wait until it is! I was shocked when I received 16 requests to see more...and then decided my full manuscript was not ready. I lost of a ton of great opportunities...but at least I learned I had a strong pitch.) I revised, hired a professional editor, revised some more, and by that fall, when I was confident my manuscript was ready this time, I entered Pitch Slam. I made it to the final round and received requests from eight agents. Three days later, I got an email from Leon Husock offering me representation. And my dream came true--I had an agent who loved and believed in my book.

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